Metric MethodsSM
Metrication Consultant Services

You and Metric MethodsSM
What is the SI?
The SI is the International System of units, also called the international metric system. It is the only authorized measurement system used by nearly every country of the world, with the strange exception of the United States. But metric-only labeling is coming to America! Are your ready? Your customers are! American public education systems have taught the SI to students for decades now and most young and middle-aged Americans are more capable of handling metric units than they are the previously customary U.S. units.
Go to our page on the SI to answer the question "What is the SI?".
Go to our Metric Moments page to see how all Americans encounter and use the international metric system each day.
Go to our SI Guide page for an index of pages describing the use of the SI in other languages. There you will see that although the spelling and alphabets may change for unit and prefix names, the quantities and their symbols are universal. This feature alone helps you sell your product across language barriers!
This universal language of measurement promotes ease of communication in commerce, tourism, and technology. Do you want to take part in this?

Who needs to know the SI?
Your sales force,
your technical staff,
your clerical and secretarial staff,
your workers, and
Check here to see if you need refresher

How we can help you.
We can
help you with every metric question and problem you face.
help you convert your documents: advertisements, labels, user instructions, specification sheets.
train your staff and provide material for you to keep it fresh and to train new hires.
provide our insights on what is happening in the EU and the US on metrication issues.

copyright 1999-2018 James R. Frysinger, Metric Methods
"Metric Methods" and the ruler graphic are service marks. All Rights Reserved.
Materials may be freely copied and distributed subject to the inclusion of the copyright notice and our Web site address.