Símbolo |
length | meter | m | longitud | metro |
mass | kilogram | kg | masa | kilogramo |
time | second | s | tiempo | segundo |
electric current | ampere | A | intensidad de corriente eléctrica | ampère, amperio |
thermodynamic temperature | kelvin | K | temperatura termodinámica | kelvin |
amount of substance | mole | mol | cantidad de sustancia | mol |
luminous intensity | candela | cd | intensidad luminosa | candela (fem.) |
area | square meter | m2 | superficie | metro cuadrado |
volume | cubic meter | m3 | volumen | metro cúbico |
speed, velocity | meter per second | m/s | velocidad | metro por segundo |
acceleration | meter per second squared | m/s2 | aceleración | metro por segundo cuadrado |
wavenumber | reciprocal meter | m-1 | número de ondas | metro a la potencia menos uno |
density, mass density | kilogram per cubic meter | kg/m3 | masa en volumen | kilogramo por metro cúbico |
volume rate, volume flow rate | cubic meter per second | m3/s | caudal en volumen | metro cúbico por segundo |
mass rate, mass flow rate | kilogram per second | kg/s | caudal en másico | kilogramo por segundo |
plane angle | radian | rad | ángulo plano | radián |
solid angle | steradian | sr | ángulo sólido | estereorradián, estereorradiánte |
frequency | hertz | Hz | frecuencia | hertz, hertzio |
force | newton | N | fuerza | newton, neutonio |
pressure, stress | pascal | Pa | presión, tensión | pascal |
energy, work, quantity of heat | joule | J | energia, trabajo, cantidad de calor | joule, julio |
power, radiant flux | watt | W | potencia, flujo radiante | watt, vatio |
electric charge, quantity of electricity | coulomb | C | cantidad de electricidad, carga eléctrica | coulomb, culombio |
electric potential difference, electromotive force | volt | V | tensión eléctrica, potencial eléctrico, fuerzo electromotriz | volt, voltio |
capacitance | farad | F | capacidad eléctrica | farad, faradio |
electric resistance | ohm | note 2 | resistencia eléctrica | ohm, ohmio |
electric conductance | siemens | S | conductancia eléctrica | siemens |
magnetic flux | weber | Wb | flujo magnético, flujo de inducción magnética | weber, wéber |
magnetic flux density | tesla | T | inducción magnética, densidad de flujo magnético | tesla |
inductance | henry | H | inductancia | henry, henrio |
Celsius temperature | degree Celsius | °C | temperatura Celsius | grado Celsius |
luminous flux | lumen | lm | flujo luminoso | lumen |
illuminance | lux | lx | iluminancia | lux |
activity (referred to a radionuclide) | becquerel | Bq | actividad de un radionucleido | becquerel |
absorbed dose, specific energy (imparted), kerma | gray | Gy | dosis absorbida, energia comunicada másica, kerma, indice de dosis absorbida | gray |
dose equivalent, ambient dose equivalent, directional dose equivalent, personal dose equivalent, organ equivalent dose | sievert | Sv | dosis equivalente, indice de dosis equivalente | sievert |
catalytic activity | katal | kat | ||
dynamic viscosity | pascal second | Pa·s o Pa.s note 3 | viscosidad dinámica | pascal segundo |
moment of force | newton meter | N·m, o N.m | ||
angular velocity | radian per second | rad/s | velocidad angular | radián por segundo |
angular acceleration | radian per second squared | rad/s2 | aceleraciún angular | radián por segundo cuadrado |
heat capacity, entropy | joule per kelvin | J/K | capacidad térmica, entropía | joule por kelvin |
specific heat capacity, specific entropy | joule per kilogram kelvin | J/(kg·K) o J/(kg.K) | capacidad térmica másica, entropía másica | joule por kilogramo kelvin |
thermal conductivity | watt per meter kelvin | W/(m·K) o W/(m.K) | conductividad térmica | watt por metro kelvin |
electrical field strength | volt per meter | V/m | intensidad de campo eléctrico | volt por metro |
radiant intensity | watt per steradian | W/sr | intensidad radiante | watt por estereorradián |
Símbolo |
Name |
time | minute | min | tiempo | minuto |
time | hour | h | tiempo | hora |
time | day | d | tiempo | dia |
plane angle | degree (of arc) | ° | ángulo plano | grado |
plane angle | minute (of arc) | ' | ángulo plano | minuto de ángulo |
plane angle | second (of arc) | " | ángulo plano | segundo de ángulo |
volume | liter | l o L | volumen | litro |
mass | metric ton (tonne, outside of the U.S.) | t | masa | tonelada |
energy | electron volt | eV | energia | electronvolt, electrón-voltio |
mass | unified atomic mass unit | u | masa | unidad de masa atómica |
length, distance | nautical mile | (none) | ||
speed | knot | (none) | ||
area | are | a | área de las superficies agrarias y de las fincas | área |
area | hectare | ha | área de las superficies agrarias y de las fincas | hectárea |
atmospheric pressure | bar | bar | presión y tensión | bar |
area | barn | b | sección eficaz | barn |
Símbolo |
Name |
plane angle | gon | ángulo plano | gon | |
plane angle | ángulo plano | vuelta | ||
reciprocal focal length (of a lens) | diopter | potencia de los sistemas ópticos | dioptria | |
mass (of gems, etc.) | metric carat | masa de las piedras preciosas | quilatre métrico | |
lineal density of fabric | tex | tex | masa longitudinal de las fibras textiles y los hilos | tex |
blood pressure, systemic pressure | millimeter of mercury | mmHG | presión sanguinea y presión de otros fluidos corporales | milimetro de mercurio |
Símbolo |
yotta | Y | |
zetta | Z | |
exa | E | exa |
peta | P | peta |
tera | T | tera |
giga | G | giga |
mega | M | mega |
kilo | k | kilo |
hecto | h | hecto |
deka | da | deca |
deci | d | deci |
centi | c | centi |
milli | m | mili |
micro | µ | micro |
nano | n | nano |
pico | p | pico |
femto | f | femto |
atto | a | ato |
zepto | z | |
yocto | y |
note 1: Unless otherwise indicated, all
Spanish unit names are masculine in gender. Where alternate versions of
names are given, the second names are the older names less likely to be
used in technical documents, but possibly more common in casual situations.
note 2: Sometimes where the uppercase
Omega is not available, the symbol W might be seen in print in Spanish
texts; take care not to confuse this with the watt. By comparison, in the
United States, one would use Ohm (a three-letter symbol with the first
one in uppercase) as the symbol for ohm if not able to write an uppercase
note 3: It is the practice in Spain
to put the dot indicating a product on the line (.). The decimal point
is marked with a comma (,) and not with a dot on the line as is done in
the United States. Also, digits are normally grouped by threes with each
group separated by a space, if there are more than four digits before or
after the decimal point (,).
Contributor: Benjamin Wilkinson (1998)
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James R. Frysinger, LCAMS 632 Stony Point Mountain Road Doyle TN 38559-3030 |
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Metric Methods
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