In English | Symbol | In italiano |
SI base units |
meter | m | metro |
kilogram | kg | chilogrammo (o kilogrammo) |
second | s | secóndo |
ampere | A | ampere |
kelvin | K | kelvin
[o grado termometrico assoluto] |
mole | mol | móle (fem.) |
candela | cd | candéla (fem.) |
SI derived units with special names |
hertz | Hz | hertz |
newton | N | newton |
pascal | Pa | pascal |
joule | J | joule |
watt | W | watt |
coulomb | C | coulomb |
volt | V | volt |
farad | F | farad |
ohm | ![]() |
ohm |
siemens | S | siemens |
weber | Wb | weber |
tesla | T | tesla |
henry | H | henry |
degree Celsius | °C | grado Celsius |
lumen | lm | lumen |
lux | lx | lux |
becquerel | Bq | becquerel |
gray | Gy | gray |
sievert | Sv | sievert |
radian | rad | radiante |
steradian | sr | steradiante |
SI special name |
liter | l* | litro |
SI prefixes |
yotta | Y | yotta |
zetta | Z | zetta |
exa | E | exa |
peta | P | peta |
tera | T | tera |
giga | G | giga |
mega | M | mega |
kilo | k | chilo o kilo |
hecto | h | etto |
deka | da | dèca |
deci | d | déci |
centi | c | centi |
milli | m | milli |
micro | µ | micro |
nano | n | nano |
pico | p | pico |
femto | f | femto |
atto | a | atto |
zepto | z | zepto |
yocto | y | yocto |
For your convenience, the following infomation is supplied;
you may see these metric (but non-SI) units used in some literature:
In English (equivalent) | Symbol | In italiano |
(1 m2) | ca | centiara (fem.) |
are (100 m2) | a | ara (fem.) |
hectare (10 000 m2) | ha | èttaro
[raro: ettàra (fem.)] |
carat (200 mg) | ct | carato |
(10 kg) | Mg** | Miriagrammo (antiquato, fuori uso) |
(100 kg) | q | quintale |
tonne, metric ton (1000 kg) | t | tonnellata (fem.) |
Translation tips:
Contributor: Leonardo Boselli, Dipartimento Ingegneria Civile, Università di Firenze
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James R. Frysinger, LCAMS 632 Stony Point Mountain Road Doyle TN 38559-3030 |
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Metric Methods
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